tlc: zoho

Most things in Library 2.0 have a cute name, and zoho is no exception. So it's cute and supposedly convenient but I think the odds aren't great that I will use this tool often. There are only so many gizmos and gadgets I want to add to my life, and this one doesn't seem essential. Yes, it's convenient that I can, presumably, save a document and continue working on it from a different computer, but I already tend to email myself important documents (thanks to the absolutely ridiculous storage capacity of gmail). In an ideal world, I'd just buy a kickass laptop and take it with me everywhere. Besides, I find zoho a total pain to use; I ended up clicking on random things only to watch the screen refresh to show ... the exact same screen. While some of ya'll seem to have mastered zoho with ease (*cough* tallmanicus), I plan on pretending zoho doesn't exsist.


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