tlc: facebook

Me and James, my older brother and new "facebook friend".

TLC has facilitated interdepartmental communication and allowed me to see aspects of my coworker's personalities that I would not otherwise be privy to, but honestly despite all the opportunities to meet and greet other Nova library employees, I tend to spend most of my TLC online time with the other two YS librarians. Sure, I could just as easily shout from my office door to Rebecca's to ask how her day is going, but I like the added communication and insight I get from reading her blog. If nothing else, I can see the goofy picture she's posted of the Shermanettes (one where I'm wearing crazy BFG ears for a Roald Dahl storytime). And while Beth isn't quite as prolific a poster, it's fun to peruse her posts -- she has such a distinct writing and speaking style, I can almost hear her reading the posts aloud. It's not surprising that when I finally checked the facebook account I'd established months ago, in addition to friends requests from my older brother, a friend from undergrad and a friend from high school, I also had a poke from Beth. I promptly passed the poke along to Rebecca, and I'm sure the cycle of pokes and messages is just starting.


Ditto! Thank you for the link, my friend.

October 26, 2007 at 10:25 AM  

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